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   下载文件名   ELISPOT WORKSHOP   发布时间 2015-01-04
  153  次  
   描述 Performance of four-color B cell and three-color T cell ELISPOT utilizing optimized, standardized protocols in a LIVE DEMONSTRATION — Detection of Immunoglobulin classes and IgG subclasses in a four-color ImmunoSpot ® Assay — Detection of IFN-γ, Granzyme B, and TNF-α in a three-color ImmunoSpot ® Assay   Automated Live/Dead PBMC Counting using a CTL S6 Ultimate Fluorescent Analyzer — Assessing the quality of stored PBMC   How Flow Cytometry and ELISPOT complement each other in immune diagnostics — Information that ELISPOT can provide but Flow Cytometry cannot   Detecting B cell autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis — Diagnosis of the disease and the ability to monitor its activity   Measuring B cell affinity ... And much, much more!
   下载文件名   Standard preanalytical coding for biospecimens: Review and implementation of the Sample PREanalytical Code (SPREC)   发布时间 2014-11-19
  26  次  
   描述 Standard preanalytical coding for biospecimens: Review and implementation of the Sample PREanalytical Code (SPREC)
   下载文件名   How much of a Virus-Specific CD8 T Cell   发布时间 2014-11-19
  19  次  
   描述 How much of a Virus-Specific CD8 T Cell Reactivity is Detected with Peptide Pool when Compared to Individual Peptides?
   下载文件名   Overview of Serum-Free Media   发布时间 2014-11-19
  16  次  
   描述 Overview of Serum-Free Media
   下载文件名   PBMC Info Sheet   发布时间 2014-11-19
  23  次  
   描述 PBMC Info Sheet
   下载文件名   PBMC Poster   发布时间 2014-11-19
  16  次  
   描述 PBMC Poster
   下载文件名    Optimal Thawing of Cryopreserved PBMC   发布时间 2014-11-19
  23  次  
   描述 Optimal Thawing of Cryopreserved PBMC for Use in High-throughput Human Immune Monitoring Studies (Publication)
   下载文件名    Resting of Cryopreserved PBMC   发布时间 2014-11-19
  13  次  
   描述 Resting of Cryopreserved PBMC Does Not Generally Benefit the Performance of Antigen-Specific T Cell ELISPOT Assays (Publication)
   下载文件名   ePBMC®: Cryopreserved PBMC   发布时间 2014-11-19
  16  次  
   描述 ePBMC®
   下载文件名   TVA™ NK Target cell Visualization Assay PowerPoint   发布时间 2014-11-19
  13  次  
   描述 CTL TVA™ NK Assay
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